Using dynamic systems theory to gain a better understanding of workplace processes
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Beschrijving van het project
In recent years, scholars have called for more attention to the role of time when studying workplace phenomena (Vantilborgh, Hofmans, & Judge, 2018). Key constructs in the domain of Organizational Behavior are theorized to operate at the within-person level yet have been predominantly studied from a between-person perspective, thus overlooking how phenomena emerge, develop, change, and disappear over time within individuals. In this project, the goal is to build on dynamic systems theory (Richardson, Dale, & Marsh, 2013; Vallacher, Coleman, Nowak, & Bui-Wrzosinska, 2010) to gain a better understanding of the temporal dynamics of OB phenomena, such as burnout and wellbeing (van de Leemput et al., 2014) and social exchange relationships (Vantilborgh, 2019). Using dynamic systems theory, we will theorize how, for example, the dimensions of burnout form a system of continuously interacting elements. By exploring potential feedback loops between these elements, we aim to gain a better understanding of the causal processes that drive these phenomena, as well as gain a better understanding of how these processes evolve over time. Moreover, by using a dynamic systems approach we can account for the nonlinear nature of various phenomena, such as the sudden shift from a healthy engaged state to a burned out state. To study these phenomena as dynamic systems, we will rely on various techniques, including computational modelling, and experience sampling studies.
Custom Labelled Veld 4
WOPS Research Group
Work and Organizational Psychology studies the behavior of people when executing a job, in a variety of organization types. Work is surely more than earning money in itself.
At VUB’s WOPS lab, we approach our domain not only from an individual point of view, but also include social psychological insights. Within this field of psychology, ‘human resource management’ receives major emphasis in our education program from a scientific as well as from a practical point of view, based on insights from work, personnel and organizational psychology, but also from ergonomics, and taking account of health issues. Teamwork, dealing with conflicts, organizational culture and change, leadership and political or ganizational behavior are but a few of the various topics being dealt with. But also how one chooses the most fitting employees, trains and develops them, motivates and rewards them, are all investigated, besides current societal issues such as mobbing at work, emotional labor, work in non-profit organizations, managerial career development, etc.