Interactive Paper and Augmented Reality
Custom Labelled Veld 1
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Custom Labelled Veld 3
Beschrijving van het project
Over the last 15 years, a number of frameworks and toolkits for the design of hybrid paper- digital user interfaces and applications based on Anoto's Digital Pen and Paper as well as other technologies have been proposed. Nevertheless, due to a number of reasons the use of such paper-digital mixed-media solutions by consumers is still rather limited. We believe that this is due to the missing of some general design and interaction guidelines for interactive paper solutions, and also caused by the complexity of existing interactive paper frameworks and toolkits. There is definitely a need for some further research on how to seamlessly integrate this new form of paper-digital user interfaces into our daily work and how to enable users to build (author) their own paper-digital applications. Based on a candidate's expertise and interest, we might focus on theoretical aspects and develop new interaction design and graphical design guidelines for the young field of paper-digital user interfaces, develop new global publishing and interaction services for interactive paper solutions to simplify the distribution and installation of cross-media solutions or investigate recent augmented reality technologies for bridging the paper-digital divide.
Custom Labelled Veld 4
Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab
The Web & Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Lab is a research unit of the Department of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is headed by Prof. Dr. Olga De Troyer and Prof. Dr. Beat Signer. The activities of WISE concentrate on innovative information systems such as next generation web applications, context-aware applications and cross-media information spaces.
The WISE lab further investigates human-computer interaction aspects for those systems, such as interactive paper and cross-media solutions, data physicalisation, tangible holograms as well as multimodal and multi-touch interaction. We develop new engineering methodologies, tools and software frameworks for the rapid prototyping and efficient realisation of innovative information environments.
There is a strong emphasis on conceptual modelling and design, reasoning on designs, localisation and globalisation, adaptation and personalisation, accessibility and usability in general. Important technologies used in this context are graphical and visual design languages, domain-specific modeling languages as well as design patterns. Important application domains are web applications, augmented and virtual reality, serious games and e-learning.