Groundwater drought: influencing factors, effects and efficacy of potential adaptation measures
Project description
During the past years, Europe has been confronted with frequent, long and intense periods of drought. This has also affected groundwater levels, which have been low or very low in many areas. Low groundwater levels may impact vegetation, crops, drinking water production, water quality, soil stability, river water levels, ... This project aims to identify the different (natural and human) influencing factors on groundwater drought and to study its effects on groundwater levels and groundwater discharge. This project also aims to quantify the efficacy of potential adaptation measures against drought and water scarcity such as managed aquifer recharge, aquifer storage and recovery, different drainage and irrigation practices, reduction of groundwater extraction, ... This will be done using a combination of data analysis, field work and groundwater flow modelling.
About the research Group
HYDR Research Group
The groundwater research lab (HYDR) is located in the department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering and specializes in hydrogeology, groundwater modelling, sustainable groundwater management, groundwater/surface water interaction, geothermal energy and geostatistics. We combine field work, groundwater modelling, model development and geostatistics for assessing groundwater reserves, groundwater recharge, interaction between surface water and groundwater, sustainable groundwater management and potential for shallow geothermal energy.
Our study areas are all over the world with a particular focus on Belgium, Bangladesh and Bolivia.