Browse repository to identify suitable topics or research projects for your 'Marie Sklodowska Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowship' proposal.
Based on your area of research, you can identify in the search menu a number of research topics as well as research projects that have been submitted by VUB research staff. The topics and research projects, submitted by the various VUB research groups, provide suggestions for the development of a proposal; they should assist you in identifying mutual research interests, innovation potential and areas for skill acquisition that enhance your research competences. The topics and research projects can be used as a basis to discuss collaborating on a MSCA-PF proposal.
Once you have selected a topic (with topic ID) and you are interested in writing a MSCA-PF proposal with a VUB researcher, you should have the following documents ready to be send to us:
- Current CV
- Evidence of your current place of residence, as well as the place(s) of residence(s) for the past 5 years
- Topic ID listed in the header of the pdf file describing the topic, i.e. MSCA-2021-xyz
- 2-3 pages (A4) explaining your expression of interest and qualifications
Please note, you will only be eligible to submit a proposal if you will have obtained your PhD degree before 10 September 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time. All submissions should be sent to msca-projects at VUB dot BE with the topic ID in the email header.